Diguem no a l'austertat, diguem no a la por, el 5 de juny: OXI!
Des de Les Joventuts d’Esquerra Repúblicana volem traslladar el nostre suport al govern grec de Syriza i al seu president Tsipras enfront de les pressions de la Troika, en el que entenem es una lluita per la democràcia contra tirania del mercat. Aquesta Troika, composada per entitats sense representació democràtica ciutadana com son el Fons Monetari Internacional, el Banc Central Europeu i la Comissió europea, porten anys assetjant Grècia i els altres països febles de la Unió Europea amb unes mesures politico-econòmiques ultraliberals i antisocials que en res han beneficiat ni beneficiaran a la ciutadania. Per primera vegada un govern europeu, el grec, s’ha atrevit a plantar-se davant les exigències de la Troika i presentar un programa polític pensant en les necessitats de la població
El fet que la Troika es negui a donar marge de negociació al president Tsipras es un indicatiu de la manca de voluntat democràtica d’aquest organisme, mes centrat en escoltar les exigències de les grans corporacions bancaries que a la ciutadania; comptant en tot moment aquesta Troika amb la complicitat de governs corruptes com el de Mariano Rajoy, també temorosos d’escoltar la veu de la gent. Per aquestes raons, Les Joventuts d’Esquerra Republicana donem tot el nostre suport al Referèndum convocat pel govern de Syriza el proper diumenge 5 de juliol. Contra les imposicions dels mercats, més democràcia. Fa més de 2,500 anys que a Atenes (no gaire lluny de la plaça Syntagma, on a dia d’avui els defensors de la dignitat grega es manifesten a favor del seu govern) els ciutadans es van revoltar contra la tirania dels oligarques i van crear un be tan preuat com es la democràcia. Aquest 5 de juliol, Atenes i tota Grècia, tornaran a donar una lliçó al món i demostraran que no hi ha res més important que la dignitat i la llibertat d’un poble. OPA!!
La lluita del poble grec pel dret a decidir sobre les imposicions de la Troika, i per la defensa de la seva sobirania envers Brussel·les i Frankfurt, és la lluita dels Països Catalans pel dret a decidir sobre l'estat propi, i la defensa de la seva sobirania envers les imposicions de Madrid. Per tant des dels Països Catalans diem: OXI! No!
Say no to austerity, say no to fear; on July 5th: Vote Oxi!
We the Young Republican Left of Catalonia would like to express our support for the current government of Greece, the party Syriza and President Tsipras, in light of pressures from the EU’s Troika. Pressures which, in our opinion constitute a battle between democracy and market tyranny. The Troika, composed of the European Commission, European Central Bank, and International Monetary Fund which are non-voted and there fore non-representative organizations has been abusing of Greece and other weaker countries in the European Union for years. They have used ultraliberal and anti-societal economic and political tactics which have not benefitted the people and in no future will ever benefit the people. The actions of the Greek government will constitute the first time that a European government has dared to stand up to the Troika and present a new political agenda which truly works in favor of its people.
The fact that the Troika refuses to be lenient and negotiate with President Tsipras indicates how little democracy truly exists within it. The Troika is an organization which prioritizes the needs of powerful banks above the needs of regular people. Its power is granted by the support of corrupt leaders across Europe who too resent and disregard listening to the voices of their citizens. For these reasons, The Young Republican Left of Catalonia give our support to the the referendum called for by Syriza this coming 5th of July. Against the impositions of free market, we must call for democracy. Over 2500 years ago in Athens, the people of that great city revolted against oligarchical tyranny and created their most valuable good, democracy. In Athens today, in the same place as 2500 years ago, near the Syntagma Square, Greeks in favor of their country’s dignity demonstrate in favor of their government. This coming 5th of July, Athens and the rest of Greece will again show the world that nothing is more important than the dignity and liberty of a people. OPA!!
The Greek people’s fight for the right to decide the extent of the impositions made by the Troika in their country gives them the power to defend their sovereignty before Brussels as well as Frankfurt. The Greek fight is the same fight that the Catalan people face, and it is for the right to decide. The right to decide on whether Catalonia believes in a new state, a sovereign state, a state belonging to itself. A state which, like Greece, no longer has a need for the impositions of a higher power (in this case Madrid). Therefore, on behalf of the Catalan Countries we say: Vote OXI! Vote No!
La lluita del poble grec pel dret a decidir sobre les imposicions de la Troika, i per la defensa de la seva sobirania envers Brussel·les i Frankfurt, és la lluita dels Països Catalans pel dret a decidir sobre l'estat propi, i la defensa de la seva sobirania envers les imposicions de Madrid. Per tant des dels Països Catalans diem: OXI! No!
Say no to austerity, say no to fear; on July 5th: Vote Oxi!
We the Young Republican Left of Catalonia would like to express our support for the current government of Greece, the party Syriza and President Tsipras, in light of pressures from the EU’s Troika. Pressures which, in our opinion constitute a battle between democracy and market tyranny. The Troika, composed of the European Commission, European Central Bank, and International Monetary Fund which are non-voted and there fore non-representative organizations has been abusing of Greece and other weaker countries in the European Union for years. They have used ultraliberal and anti-societal economic and political tactics which have not benefitted the people and in no future will ever benefit the people. The actions of the Greek government will constitute the first time that a European government has dared to stand up to the Troika and present a new political agenda which truly works in favor of its people.
The fact that the Troika refuses to be lenient and negotiate with President Tsipras indicates how little democracy truly exists within it. The Troika is an organization which prioritizes the needs of powerful banks above the needs of regular people. Its power is granted by the support of corrupt leaders across Europe who too resent and disregard listening to the voices of their citizens. For these reasons, The Young Republican Left of Catalonia give our support to the the referendum called for by Syriza this coming 5th of July. Against the impositions of free market, we must call for democracy. Over 2500 years ago in Athens, the people of that great city revolted against oligarchical tyranny and created their most valuable good, democracy. In Athens today, in the same place as 2500 years ago, near the Syntagma Square, Greeks in favor of their country’s dignity demonstrate in favor of their government. This coming 5th of July, Athens and the rest of Greece will again show the world that nothing is more important than the dignity and liberty of a people. OPA!!
The Greek people’s fight for the right to decide the extent of the impositions made by the Troika in their country gives them the power to defend their sovereignty before Brussels as well as Frankfurt. The Greek fight is the same fight that the Catalan people face, and it is for the right to decide. The right to decide on whether Catalonia believes in a new state, a sovereign state, a state belonging to itself. A state which, like Greece, no longer has a need for the impositions of a higher power (in this case Madrid). Therefore, on behalf of the Catalan Countries we say: Vote OXI! Vote No!