Referèndum a Grècia: la democràcia s'ha imposat als dictats del mercat
Ahir, diumenge 5 de juliol els grecs van ser cridats a les urnes a fi de decidir el seu futur: Acceptar o no el xantatge dels mercats i d’unes institucions europees cada cop més desmarcades dels interessos i necessitats reals de la població. Tspiras, davant la manca de voluntat negociadora dels membres de la Troika, va fer el que el es podia esperar de qualsevol demòcrata: Preguntar a la ciutadania i respondre amb més democràcia als desitjos interessats d’uns pocs.
El resultat del referèndum ha sigut aclaparador, un 61% pel “no” a les polítiques de la Troika i un 38% inclinat a acceptar-les, percentatges que no deixen cap mena de dubte sobre la voluntat general d’un poble. No era el resultat que anunciaven les enquestes ni tampoc el que volien governs com el de Mariano Rajoy, alumne predilecte de la Troika i polític poc predisposat a escoltar la veu del poble. Tot i ser assetjats per la propaganda mediàtica neoliberal i haver de suportar les privacions que suposa la limitació de la lliure disposició del diner, el poble grec ha dit valentament OXI (NO) i s'ha plantat davant la intransigència dels mercats amb fermesa aclaparadora en una mostra de gran maduresa democràtica.
Hi haurà qui des de la Troika voldrà fer creure que el poble grec ha comès una greu equivocació, i no es estrany, doncs el referèndum grec ha colpejat els pilars del dogma neoliberal. La pàtria de la democràcia ha tornat a marcar el camí: No a les polítiques d’austeritat i no al domini dels mercats sobre les persones. Tanmateix aquesta victòria només suposa l'inici d'un nou pols entre la Troika i el Govern grec, en tant que obre un ventall de possibilitats de negociació que passen des d'una solució pactada fins a l'expulsió de facto de Grècia de la Zona Euro si el BCE talla la liquiditat a la banca grega.
Les Joventuts d'Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (JERC) creiem que la única solució plausible per a totes les parts és arribar a un acord que passi per una reestructuració del deute grec, i unes noves i més ambicioses polítiques d'estímul de l'economia a nivell europeu. Expulsar Grècia de l' Eurozona suposaria un fracàs polític estrepitós per a la Unió Europea, i una pèrdua a priori molt agosarada del nivell de vida de la població grega. Finalment creiem que la victòria d'aquest referèndum ha de suposar un nou inici en la lluita dels pobles europeus per la recuperació de la sobirania respecte als mercats, una lluita que en definitiva posi el benestar de la ciutadania al centre de les prioritats polítiques.
On Sunday July 5th, the Greek people were called in an election that would decide their future. They were asked to accept or reject the threats presented to them by the markets and by European institutions with no ties to any population. Tspiras did what could be expected from him when confronted with harsh and uncompromising negotiations by members of the Troika: He asked his people to decide so as to respond to the Troika’s demand with the will of his people behind him.
The results of this referendum have been definitive and swift. 61% voted “no” to Troika’s policies, and 38% voted to accept them. These percentages leave no room for doubt as to the will of the people. It wasn’t the result that the polls had been predicting, nor what governments like Mariano Rajoy’s had hoped. As as a pupil of the Troika he and others are unable still to listen to the people. Although the Greek people were attacked by the Troika’s propaganda, and were forced to endure the fear that comes with a seemingly failing bank system, they have voted OXI, no, and have planted themselves against the inflexibility of the markets with great democratic maturity and resilience.
There will members of the Troika who will try to make the Greek people believe it has made a grave mistake. That is no surprise in that this most recent Greek referendum has hit at the very pillars of neoliberal dogma. Democratic people have again lead the way: No to austerity, and no to the power of the markets above the power of the people. Even still, this is only the beginning of a long fight between the Troika and the Greek government. It does, however, open the door for the possibility of negotiations which range from a new economic pact to the expulsion of Greece from the Eurozone (that is if the ECB refuses to cancel some or all of the Greek debt).
We the Young Republican Left of Catalonia (JERC) believe that the only plausible solution is to reach an agreement which allows for the restructuring of the Greek debt and fights to jumpstart demand at a European level. To expel Greece from the Eurozone would suppose an enormous failure on part of the European Union, and a great reduction to the standard of living. Finally, we believe that victory in this referendum must signal the beginning of a much bigger fight. This time, we believe that the fight will be between all European peoples and their governments to recover their sovereignty in respect to markets. This will be a fight that will finally, and at long last, put the wellbeing of the people at the heart of politics.
Hi haurà qui des de la Troika voldrà fer creure que el poble grec ha comès una greu equivocació, i no es estrany, doncs el referèndum grec ha colpejat els pilars del dogma neoliberal. La pàtria de la democràcia ha tornat a marcar el camí: No a les polítiques d’austeritat i no al domini dels mercats sobre les persones. Tanmateix aquesta victòria només suposa l'inici d'un nou pols entre la Troika i el Govern grec, en tant que obre un ventall de possibilitats de negociació que passen des d'una solució pactada fins a l'expulsió de facto de Grècia de la Zona Euro si el BCE talla la liquiditat a la banca grega.
Les Joventuts d'Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (JERC) creiem que la única solució plausible per a totes les parts és arribar a un acord que passi per una reestructuració del deute grec, i unes noves i més ambicioses polítiques d'estímul de l'economia a nivell europeu. Expulsar Grècia de l' Eurozona suposaria un fracàs polític estrepitós per a la Unió Europea, i una pèrdua a priori molt agosarada del nivell de vida de la població grega. Finalment creiem que la victòria d'aquest referèndum ha de suposar un nou inici en la lluita dels pobles europeus per la recuperació de la sobirania respecte als mercats, una lluita que en definitiva posi el benestar de la ciutadania al centre de les prioritats polítiques.
On Sunday July 5th, the Greek people were called in an election that would decide their future. They were asked to accept or reject the threats presented to them by the markets and by European institutions with no ties to any population. Tspiras did what could be expected from him when confronted with harsh and uncompromising negotiations by members of the Troika: He asked his people to decide so as to respond to the Troika’s demand with the will of his people behind him.
The results of this referendum have been definitive and swift. 61% voted “no” to Troika’s policies, and 38% voted to accept them. These percentages leave no room for doubt as to the will of the people. It wasn’t the result that the polls had been predicting, nor what governments like Mariano Rajoy’s had hoped. As as a pupil of the Troika he and others are unable still to listen to the people. Although the Greek people were attacked by the Troika’s propaganda, and were forced to endure the fear that comes with a seemingly failing bank system, they have voted OXI, no, and have planted themselves against the inflexibility of the markets with great democratic maturity and resilience.
There will members of the Troika who will try to make the Greek people believe it has made a grave mistake. That is no surprise in that this most recent Greek referendum has hit at the very pillars of neoliberal dogma. Democratic people have again lead the way: No to austerity, and no to the power of the markets above the power of the people. Even still, this is only the beginning of a long fight between the Troika and the Greek government. It does, however, open the door for the possibility of negotiations which range from a new economic pact to the expulsion of Greece from the Eurozone (that is if the ECB refuses to cancel some or all of the Greek debt).
We the Young Republican Left of Catalonia (JERC) believe that the only plausible solution is to reach an agreement which allows for the restructuring of the Greek debt and fights to jumpstart demand at a European level. To expel Greece from the Eurozone would suppose an enormous failure on part of the European Union, and a great reduction to the standard of living. Finally, we believe that victory in this referendum must signal the beginning of a much bigger fight. This time, we believe that the fight will be between all European peoples and their governments to recover their sovereignty in respect to markets. This will be a fight that will finally, and at long last, put the wellbeing of the people at the heart of politics.