El jovent independentista i internacionalista dels Països Catalans creiem que acollir i lluitar contra l'estigma d'aquelles persones que han d'abandonar casa seva per culpa de la guerra, ha de ser una prioritat a la nostra nació. Cal que les nostres viles i ciutats obrin les seves portes a les persones refugiades, i donin una lliçó a aquesta Europa-fortalesa que cada dia viu més d'esquenes als Drets Humans. És per això que des de la Sectorial de Política Internacional i Cooperació de les JERC, també hem editat samarretes amb el lema: Catalan Countries: Refugee Zone, els beneficis de les quals aniran destinats totalment a les organitzacions esmentades. El preu de les samarretes és de 10€, i es poden adquirir mitjançant un correu a l'adreça [email protected].
Last Friday 6 November, the Left Republican Youth of Catalonia (JERC) started its sensitization campaign about the refugees with a conference. The speakers were David Minoves, pacifist activist and current president of the CIEMEN (International Centre for the Ethnic Minorities and Nations “Escarré”), and Toni Borrell, member of the platform Stop Mare Mortum. The conference was held in the auditorium of the CNJC (National Youth Council of Catalonia), where the speakers explained the reasons that push refugees to leave their homes, what can we do from the Catalan Countries to help them, and other important issues. After the event, the international affairs committee of JERC organised a solidarity dinner whose benefits were given to the platform Stop Mare Mortum and the Catalan Commission for the Refugees Help.
The pro-independence and internationalist youth of the Catalan Countries believe that shelter and fight against the stigma of those people who have to leave its home due to the war, has to be a priority in our nation. It's necessary that our cities, towns and villages open its doors to the refugees and give an example to this fortress-Europe that currently gives its back to the human rights. That's why the international affairs committee of JERC has created T-shirts with the slogan “Catalan Countries: Refugee Zone, whose benefits will be totally given to the mentioned organisations. The price of the T-shirts is 10€, and can be bought through an email to the direction [email protected].