As you may know, every 8th March international women’s day is celebrated around the world, and, as we are a proud feminist organization, we obviously took part in the events of this day.
In Jovent Republicà we have a group formed only y women who are the ones in charge of preparing the activities that everybody does on important dates in the feminism movement. This year, our devise was Simon de Beauvoir’s known quote: “El feminisme és una manera de viure individualment i de lluitar col·lectivament” (Feminism is a way of living individually and fighting collectively). Because we wanted to put feminism again in the center of our discourse in order to remember to society that we are still working for the patriarchy to end in contrast to all the sexist speeches that are recently increasing due to the -also increasing- popularity of right parties.
During the day, there were demonstrations all over the Catalan Countries, and as we are spread all over the territories, we had people representing Jovent Republicà in all the demonstrations. There were protests in Lleida, Tarragona, Girona, Barcelona, Mallorca, Menorca, València, etc. The biggest, of course, was the one made in Barcelona, where all of our elected representatives attended.
Nonetheless, not everything is as bright as it seems since some of our members had problems during the journey back home and even during the demonstration. After the celebration of the 8th march, the Feminist Assembly of Jovent Republicà had to make a statement denouncing about the assaults that took place on the demonstrations of the previous day. Clearly it was not as a good day as we expected, but we have proved -once again- that Jovent Republicà is always on the good side of history.